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Journey Through Sepharad: 

A Jewish Roots Trip to Spain

February 27-March 10, 2025

Led by Kayla Ship

The 1000 year Jewish story of Sepharad is one of triumph and despair.  Join Keshet Israel Educator, Kayla Ship, as we explore the "Golden Age" of Spain and its contribution to Hebrew poetry, science, medicine, and Jewish philosophy.  We'll also delve into the painful decline of this vibrant community due to the Inquisition and Expulsion in 1492.  We'll meet members of the local Jewish communities who are reclaiming their place in Spanish society as well as enjoy local cuisine, art, and culture.

Activity Level: Please note that we will be spending most days exploring on our feet, often through medieval alleyways and cobble stone streets.  Stairs are often unavoidable.


Note for single travelers: This program offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere for those travelling with friends or on their own. The atmosphere you'll find is of learning and experiencing in the company of a small group of individual friends. There is a good chance that you will not be the only person without a travel partner. You may wish to have your own room, in which case the single supplement is noted on the pricing. However, if you prefer to save this fee we'll try to match you up with another solo traveler. Just let us know that you'd like a roommate when registering.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions

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